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Wildlife Conservation Efforts Just got Wilder.

When was the last time you can remember anything wildlife-related making the headlines? Wilder's here to change that by pushing wildlife conservation into the new era of digital activism. Wilder is a concept app design creating real lasting effects on conservation awareness. Through user surveys, interviews, and testing, the Wilder initiative has inspired over 80% of its participants to donate or sign conservation petitions after learning more about what's happening to our planet's fauna.


From sketches to high fidelity prototypes, I worked on bringing the Wilder effort to life through the form of an app that brings these stories and issues to the frontlines of media attention. The goal behind creating the application was to emphasize and celebrate the living world that surrounds us - and recognize when it's calling for help.


+ Wilder



+ User Research

+ Interaction

+ Style Guide


May 19-27, 2022 (2 weeks)

The Problem with Wildlife Conservation.

Wildlife conservation efforts hardly ever reach the headlines in comparison to other major causes; and when they do, they only stay relevant for a few days. People do care about the array of animal life living amongst them, they just need more accessible ways to support them.

Goals & Success Metrics
  • accessible wildlife information

  • Increased mobile engagement

  • Encourage users to take action

After assessing prospective users' pain points, I used the information to create the app's key features and organized it within the app's user flow.
Learn Something Wild Everyday.

To maintain user engagement while to keeping users informed on conservation, I incorporated multiple features on the homepage that refresh daily. Ranging from the latest articles to daily wildlife facts, the Wilder homepage lets you learn something wild everyday.

Get Involved.

The discover page of Wilder takes a deep dive on getting users to pool their engagement in the app to ignite real change by signing petitions, getting initiatives trending, and easily donating to wildlife conservation.

Home Page-full-min.png
Discover Page-full-min.png
Inspiring Change: Reflections & Progress

Although Wilder may only be a concept project, 83% of its research participants truly felt inspired after using the app prototype and decided to actually sign or donate to a wildlife-related cause. The Wilder project made me realize the change we're all capable of pursuing if we have access to the proper resources. Organizing information so imperative to protecting the planet in engaging formats has the potential to incite change and progress - isn't that wild?

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UI/UX, Web
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